Patch modifié [RELEASE] - All-In-One V3 - 27 MODES DE JEU!


Desire ♥
4 Mars 2013
17 201
Hello!, 19 mois après la sortie de mon v2 voilà le v3 enfin dispo!
Ce patch contient 27 custom game modes! Et bien plus encore.

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Zombieland v3.6
Zombieland v5.1.1
Is this zombieland?
Hide and seek
Found the boxes
Only X
Aliens VS Predators
Gun game
One in the chamber
MW3 Game mode
Kill confirmed
Good or not
Realistic game mode
Mike Myers
Survival Mod
Counter strike Mod
Intel Hunter
Sniper lobby
Forge Mod
Superman killcam
Roll the dice

Fonctionnalitées du patch (en anglais désolé)
Auto anti-cheat: Anti-cheats automatically launched for each players at the connection. Possible to launch from the menu.
Auto anti-glitch (elevators, big bounces, rpg jumps): Not possible to glitch
Menu design/style: New menu style, animations etc..
Setting menu for all players: Each players have a setting menu to edit their ranks, safe area etc...
Safe area: Safe area to edit the positions of the HUDs for the game modes.
Notification box: Notification box when you choose the game mode, prestige etc...
Clean vision: Some game modes use a color correction, by changing the game mode the vision is correctly cleaned. Possible to clean from the setting menu.
5 seconds Intermission time: In the lobby the default time is 55 seconds between games, i've changed the time to 5 seconds.
3 different end game: First end game with the captain Price picture from the campaign, second show the credits (when no game mode loaded), third is the loading game mode animation.
Custom rank system added in CS and Hide and Seek: Custom rank system added, you're not deranked, the scoreboard just show the custom rank. The custom rank is saved on the profil!
Custom stats for the game modes: Like the custom ranks, some game modes use custom stats, like total zombies killed, wins etc...
Host icon on the scoreboard: Host icon on the scoreboard show the host of the game.
Setting menu icon on the scoreboard: Icon to show who is using the menu.
New clan tag "One.": Changed the old ugly clan tag [FP<3] by [One.]
Final Killcam: Final killcam in AIO.
Play normal games without any mod: In the game mode menu, you can choose the normal gametypes, in theses modes no mods is activated (no setting menu, no message of the day, no clantag, no killcam etc..)
End booster: End instantly the game
No migration: Fixed the "xpartymigrateafterround"
No bad functions: No aimbot, infections, god mode etc...
Need any refresh: You can play all the game modes without any refresh !
Game modes redirected: Redirect the game mode in the good gametype
Planner: Plan the next game mode you chosen
Black list aio servers: If you join a player who use the AIO (v1,v2,v3) you will be automatically kicked in the loading screen. To disable the blacklist put the clan tag [ENTR] or [One.].
Restart, anti-join can be turnedon only in private match: You can't restart a match in a public games same for the anti-join.
Loading game mode animation: New animation.
Optimized menu security: A script check if HUDs can be deleted on the screen to show correctly the menu/informations.
New doheart: New doheart with moving animation.
Replay mod added in CJ game mode: You can replay the last 60 seconds with custom param. (only in CJ game mode).
AIO Message infos for all at the end: At each end game a message is shown in the lobby. Messages about the AIO.
Cod4 stats not saved in AIO lobbies: Every stats (kills/deaths/assists/wins/loses etc...) is not saved in the AIO lobbies (only when a custom game mode is loaded).
Kick spammers: Kick players who spam "Rank 55".
Host can't change ranks: The host can't change players ranks, he just can send a question if the player want change his rank.
Update checker: A script check and show if a new version of AIO is available!
Anti end game by other player: sometimes some guys join and end my game, the end game script ask the host now by the notification box.
Only X random rotation: Now you can use the random rotation if you want play this game mode without changing the weapon chosen every time.
Only good GM in public: The modes: Mike myers, codjumper, superman killcam and forge mod is only for private match. Impossible to launch in public

Comment utiliser les menus:
En dehors des menus:
R3 & L1 pour ouvrir le All-In-One Menu.
L1 & R1 & L2 & R2 Pour ouvrir le menu paramètres.

Dans le All-In-One et menu paramètres:
Carré pour sélectionner.
L1 ou R1 pour bouger le curseur.
R3 retour.
R3 + R1 ferme rapidement le menu.

Dans la confirmation:
L1 ou R1 pour bouger le curseur.
Carré pour sélectionner.
R3 pour sortir de la confirmation.

Téléchargement dans le lien de la video.

Me (FParadiseee), imJxL, D3CHIRURE, Hawkin, AgreedBog381, MeatSafeMurderer, iCORE, zxz, AZUMIKKEL, Amanda, slaya, AoKMiKeY, IELIITEMODZX, Therifboy, GHOSTfaceKILLr74, Recklesskiller1211, Mo Teh Pro, Choco, IVI40A3Fusionz, x2EzYx--,, iJmp_Matsku, Jeff Adkins, Killingdyl, Six-Tri-X, Wano, FusionxDGx, iProFamily, Matrix,, **,,


28 Juin 2012
1 705
17 918
Merci pour ce menu qui est tout simplement excellent :bave:
C'est ce genre de mods qui réaniment le jeu !

Des gens pour jouer de temps en temps ?